Pines Renovations 2012
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
New bunker rake

Pines greens

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
We are now 3 weeks after Renovations on the Pines and the course is starting to look fantastic. The rains have allowed all our fertilizer to kick in nicely and the greens have bounced back very well indeed. A light verti-cut and dust next Tuesday will smooth the greens out nicely.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
There's always someone worse off......
The attached photo was sent to me by Stephen Gaze who is the Superintendent at Woollongong Golf Club and former assistant superintendent here at sanctuary cove. The picture is of his first fairway this morning and the worst of it is that they are hosting the NSW PGA in 2 weeks time. Good luck Stephen!
Another Wild Weekend
Storms over the weekend forced the closure of the golf courses on Saturday. Nearly 100mm of rain has fallen since Friday causing widespread flooding around both courses. Winds were so strong that they even managed to blow over one one of the large flagpoles at the entry to the Country Club. Additional staff have been drafted in to get the courses back in play today. We ask that all carts remain strictly on paths.
Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011
Windy Weekend
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Job well done!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Renovations - day 2

Another fine day allowed us to continue our steady progress from the previous day. All greens are now complete. Tees and surrounds have all been scarified and scalp cut. Scarifying and verti-draining of the fairways are both on schedule. The forecast for Thursday evening is for a possible thunderstorm which would suit us perfectly to wash in all the fertiliser that we will be applying this week.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Renovations under way

Renovations on the Pines course began yesterday. In spite of a few afternoon showers the weather was extremely kind with warm windy weather allowing the team to make great progress on day one. 15 greens have already been hollow tined and scarified and 9 of them have been top dressed. 14 tees have been scarified and scalp cut. 3 fairways have been verti-drained and 2 scarified and scalp cut. Spreading of amendments on greens has also begun. With fine weather forecast for the rest of the week the course will be back in fine condition for play on Friday.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Palms bunker edge maintenance

Monday, June 27, 2011
Distance markers on Palms
Spraying of outer roughs

We are continuing to spray areas of the outer roughs with herbicide to reduce the maintenance of these areas, control noxious weeds, improve the aesthetics and increase the speed of play as golf balls will be easier to find. This was an idea borrowed from Pinehurst #2 in North Carolina which i visited in February.
Land for Wildlife

Sanctuary Cove Golf and Country Club last week signed a Conservation Partnership Agreement with Gold Coast City Council to become a Land for Wildlife which will ensure that our golf courses continue to develop in a sustainable manner which is both beneficial to the courses and the flora and fauna which inhabit them. One of the main challenges that faces the Pines golf course at the moment is the replacement of nearly 9000 radiata pines which are coming to the end of their lives. Together with Gold Coast City Council we will be selecting replacement trees which are both native to the area and will enhance the biodiversity of the golf courses. Click here to read more about the Land for Wildlife Program.
Pitch Marks

With winter well and truly upon us we are noticing that there is severe damage being caused by badly and unrepaired pitch marks. The attached photograph shows a picture of the 12th green on the Pines and each golf ball has been placed on top of a badly or unrepaired pitch mark. It is the responsibility of all members and their guests to ensure that they repair their own pitch mark plus one other each time they walk on to a green. Click here to watch a video of Open Champion Padraig Harrington explaining how to properly repair pitch marks as well as other ways that golfers can help to look after their course.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Weather Station

Donate a Tree

Adopt a Hole - Focus Hole

Monday, January 31, 2011
New Fairway Profiles

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Greens comparisons

Returfing of 3rd tees
Monday, January 24, 2011
Bunker Sand Replacement - The Pines

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Pines greens
As most members will be noticing the greens on the Pines appear to be struggling. Recent wet weather and more importantly prolonged periods of cloud cover make growing conditions particularly unfavourable. Since the start of November we have averaged less than 4 hours of sunlight per day, not great for growing turfgrass. It has long been recognised that the greens on the Pines are long past their use by date and this was outlined by John Neylan, head agronomist with the Australian Golf Course Superintendents Association, in the reports that he supplied to the club in both 2007 and 2010. John's most recent report can be viewed in the Course Maintenance section of the club website. Plans are now being put in place to rectify the issues with the greens on the Pines so that they meet the expectations of the members in the long term. In the short term we will be applying an application of granular fertiliser combined with light, regular top dressings to keep the surface smooth. At the end of March we will once again be overseeding the greens with Poa trivialis which has proved very successful in providing satisfactory surfaces over the winter months.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
GCM staff muck in to help Qld Flood Relief

A number of golf course maintenance staff joined members of Sanctuary Cove Security to travel to Brisbane on Sunday to help with the clean up of areas affected by the recent floods. Along with thousands of other volunteers they assisted in cleaning up the badly damaged west end ferry terminal as well as a number of houses and gardens in the area.
Pictured: Glenn Gibson-Smith and Joe Crean from Golf Course Maintenance help to clear mud from the West End Ferry Terminal
Monday, January 10, 2011
Greens Aeration

Putting green renovations

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