Pines Renovations 2012
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sunshine at last
Last weekend provided a few challenges for us with 130mm of rain falling between Friday and Tuesday. The course was back in play on Wednesday and the rest of the week has been spent getting the rapidly growing tees, fairways, greens and rough mown for the weekends events. The course is looking great now that the sun has come out and we wish all those playing in Sundays shootout lots of luck.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Working Bee

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Drainage lines on 17th fairway
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pictured: The 8th green on the Palms course
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Greens transition

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Ben Crane - On Working Out
This weeks winner on the PGA Tour talks about his workout routine..........hilarious!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Palms Construction Update - Holes 6 and 9 complete

After a prolonged spell of wet weather Ross Watson's construction team were able to grass holes 6 and 9 of the Palms last week. This leaves only holes 7 and 8 to be completed. The 6th green will be grassed with the 8th green due to their close proximity. Weather permitting construction of the Palms will be complete within 2 weeks.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Cart path edging
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Rain and Wind

Pictured: 15th fairway
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Palms Construction Update - Hole 5 complete
Monday, September 27, 2010
Renovations - Laser levelling of Tees

Renovations - Fairway scarification & aeration

Renovations - Hollow tining

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Amenities Block
4th hole of the Palms
Golf Australia Magazine

Brendan James, Editor of Golf Australia magazine visited the club today to take some photographs for an article that he is writing on golf courses on the Gold Coast. Brendan spent time on both the Pines and Palms courses and was impressed with the changes that have been made since his last visit in 2007. The article will appear in the November issue of Golf Australia.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Palms renovations

Although the course is yet to open we have begun turf renovations on the fully established holes on the Palms. The fairways and tees on holes 1- 3, 10, 17 and 18 shall all be scarified and aerated to reduce thatch levels and promote healthy turf growth. The greens shall all be hollow tined and top dressed with soil amendments also being added.
Greens Aeration
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Palms Grow In

Grow in of the new Palms golf course is going very well. We now have 12 holes under maintenance with about 8 of these holes now fully established. Herbicide applications have been made to all established fairways over the past couple of weeks and recent fertiliser applications to the greens have them looking in excellent condition. Construction of the back 6 holes is nearing completion with grassing due to commence within the next couple of weeks.
Pictured: The new 10th green on the Palms
Monday, August 30, 2010
Smarty Reflectors

We will be installing Smarty Reflectors to the top of all flag poles on the Pines golf course today. These devices make it easier for golfers using range finders to locate the flagstick. They are designed to give more accurate readings in less time hopefully speeding up play for everyone. For more information on Smarty Reflectors click here.
Root Pruning

We have a stump grinder on site this week to carry out some root pruning adjacent to the cart paths on the Pines golf course. This work will prevent further damage to the cart paths and remove any roots which are starting to venture into in play areas. All treated areas will be marked as ground under repair until fully recovered.
Kangaroo Management

During this week the Ecological Services Unit of Wildlife Warriors and Endeavour Veterinary Ecology will be conducting kangaroo reproductive management operations on the Pines and the Palms golf courses. This will ensure that the kangaroo population that lives in Sanctuary Cove remains at sustainable levels. Around 44 female kangaroos will be darted and a hormone implant will be inserted under their skin. This implant will suppress reproduction in the female kangaroos for 3 - 5 years. Kangaroos recovering from the effects of the sedative may be uncoordinated and easily frightened so please stay well away from any kangaroo that appears to be recovering from anasthaesia. Sanctuary Cove wildlife officer Wendy Nelson will be assisting the Unit while they are on site.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Course Furniture
Monday, August 23, 2010
Norfolk Pines
Monday, August 16, 2010
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You can now follow the Sanctuary Cove Golf Course Maintenance Blog on Facebook by clicking here. If you are already on facebook simply add us as a friend or sign up and you will receive updates when new posts are made on the blog. You can also add comments and questions via facebook or directly onto the blog.
Palms Construction Update

Progress is continuing with construction of the Palms. The wet weather last week caused little delay and earthworks and irrigation installation are continuing on holes 4 - 9. The landscaping of these holes is also well under way with gardens being installed on holes 4 and 5. The grow-in of holes 1-3 and 10 - 18 has also ticked along nicely over winter with the holes planted in May continuing to establish throughout the cold weather. Once spring is fully upon us we expect the turf to fill in very quickly on these holes. Landscaping of these holes is nearing completion with a number of small jobs including levelling of sprinklers and drainage pits keeping our staff busy. Pictured:The view of the 12th green looking back from the 13th tee.
Fertilising fairways, tees and green surrounds
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Drainage work
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
And then it rained!

In the last couple of days we have received approximately 75mm of rain and counting causing the closure of the course on Wednesday and the cancellation of the Ladies competition on Thursday. The forecast is for further rain into the weekend. Clean up has already begun with bunkers being pumped and drainage pits being cleared. One can only be thankful that the rain held out until after the Pro am was finished.
Legends Pro-am

The inaugural Legends Pro am took place on Tuesday with over 250 players tackling the Pines golf course. The course set up included double cutting and double rolling the greens which produced some slick surfaces for the tournament. Thank you to all the greenstaff who put in long days and extra effort to get the course in great condition.
The 18th green under lights for the Legends Shootout
Monday, July 19, 2010
Up Coming Drainage Works
We have scheduled to comence major drainage work on holes 5, 11 and 17, this drainage work will be carried out the week after the pro am on Monday 2nd of August. We hope to complete all three holes that week, so the hole that we are working on will be closed and a practise hole will be allocated in its place.
The current drainage in these areas have been there since the very start of the Pines, and over a long period of time these drainage lines have been blocked from surrounding tree roots and soil, and as a result the replacement of drainage is required.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Acelepryn is a new insecticide which we have been using at Sanctuary Cove for the past 12 months. It is unique in that it is the first insecticide in the market which has no poisons schedule and does not require the operator to wear protective clothing. It is both safer for our staff and members and far safer for our wildlife whilst still effectively controlling a wide range of turf pests on our golf courses. Watch the attached video which further explains the benefits of Acelepryn and includes some fantastic footage of the Pines golf course.
The 150th Open Championship

Next week i am lucky enough to be part of a select delegation of Australian Superintendents who will be attending the 150th Open Championship at The Old Course, St. Andrews. During our visit we will spend time inside the ropes with Golf Course Manager Gordon Mckie to learn about how the course has been prepared for the Open. Other golf courses that i will be visiting include Sunningdale, Wentworth, The Berkshire, Lundin Links and Machrihanish Dunes. Look out for my blogs from the Open next week.
Greens - height of cut

The height of cut on the greens was lowered to 2.75mm today to smooth out the surfaces a little and control some of the excess growth which we are noticing in the wintergrass. The number of unrepaired pitch marks is still a concern and it would be greatly appreciated if all players could repair their own pitch mark plus one other each time they walk onto a green.
Staff Training

We were visited by Craig Johnston from Toro Australia yesterday who carried out some in-depth training on our new fleet of Toro equipment. The training included watching a number of instructional videos, group discussions and demonstrations before all staff members had to sit an exam to prove their competency.
Palms Golf Course- Bunkers
The new bunkers on the Palms golf course are Ross Watson's latest signature look and will definately give the course a different and unique appearance. The bunker surrounds are turfed with Plateau grass which is very dense and slow growing. As a result the look will be natural and will not need a very high level of maintanance. In addition, native grasses have been planted stratigically around the bunkers to enhance the aesthetics of the course while also adding an higher degree of difficulty.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Meet the Team

Mitch Meizer
Mitch has been part of the team here at Sanctuary Cove for just under 3 years and is very enthusiastic about his work. Mitch can turn his hand to just about any job and recently has taken charge of our bunker sand replacement on the Pines. Currently studying his Certificate 4 in Horticulture (Turf), he hopes to make greenkeeping his career. When not at work Mitch can be found on just about any golf course in the region playing the game he loves.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Pine Tree Removal
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Palms Construction Update

Construction of the new Palms golf course is moving ahead on schedule. With holes 1-3 and 10-18 now complete, work has commenced on the back 6 holes which will become holes 4 through 9 of the new course. Earthworks are now complete on holes 3 and 4 with irrigation installation due to start on Tuesday.
Pictured is the view from the new 4th tees of the Palms
Reed Removal

A number of members have contacted me with concerns regarding the removal of reeds around the Pines golf course. Please be assured that we take great interest in the wildlife on the golf courses and are committed to their long term sustainable management. We recently had a visit from the wildlife officer from Gold Coast City Council who commented that the variety of reed (Cumbungi) in our lakes was non-native and was seriously threatening the water quality of our lake systems. This reed can grow in up to 2 metres of water and is extremely aggressive. This causes sediment to be trapped in the reeds, shallowing the lakes which in turn raises the water temperature. This has serious consequences in that we are at risk of algal blooms forming in the lake systems which can become toxic and be extrememly harmful to our wildlife. This did occur in one of our lakes last summer and some birds were injured as a result. To ensure that there is no re-occurrence the wildlife officer suggested that we systematically remove the Cumbungi and replace it with native reeds such as Isolipsis which can be seen adjacent to the 13th green and all through the lake between the 18th hole and the new clubhouse. This reed is non-invasive and will stabilise the lake edges to prevent erosion. Our long term plan is to continue to plant these reeds throughout both golf courses. The wildlife officer, who frequently visits the golf courses, noted that the birdlife on the golf courses seemed to be thriving and that populations were high. In the past 2 years we have seen Jabiru's and a Brolga make the golf courses home which is a great indication that we have a healthy ecosystem. The new Palms golf course includes a number of wetland areas and we are already seeing a large number of Swans and Pelicans making the lakes home.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Wear areas on the golf course.

We are now well into the cooler months and as a result turf growth has decreased dramatically. As turf growth drops the more vulnerable it gets and therefore more susceptible it is to damage from carts. These areas will take a lot longer to repair than if it occurred during the summer months. There are a few things we can all do to minimise the damage and to present the course in its best possible condition.
- Limit the amount of traffic on the golf course by using only one golf buggy per two players.
- Follow cart direction signs.
- Use cart paths as much as possible and observe the 90 degree rule.
Thanks for you co-operation in helping us maintain the golf course to the standard that we all expect.
Golf Queensland Course Rating

The Golf Queensland Course Rating team visited Sanctuary Cove on Monday to rate the Pines course for the new USGA handicap system which is being introduced to Australian golf clubs over the next 2 years. The team measured all holes and took into consideration things like the width of fairways, position of hazards and course conditions in calculating the rating for the golf course. The new course ratings should be available within 4 weeks with the slope rating not being released until 2012 when all other courses have been rated.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Welcome to the Golf Course Maintenance Department at Sanctuary Cove Golf and Country Club. Here you will find regularly updated information on the Pines and Palms golf courses. Please feel free to add any questions or comments.
Robin Doodson
Golf Course Manager
Robin Doodson
Golf Course Manager
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